Triple J Saipan Brake Service

We’re proud to be your place for brake service near Garapan and Susupe, and we even have drivers from as far away as Tinian come to us for service!



When Your Vehicle Needs Brake Service, Come to Triple J Motors Saipan, Your Source for Service in the Northern Mariana Islands

When it comes to keeping yourself and your family safe, the brakes are some of the most important features in your vehicle. It pays to keep your brakes in good condition, and we are here to help at Triple J Motors Saipan. We’re proud to be your place for brake service near Garapan and Susupe, and we even have drivers from as far away as Tinian come to us for service! Find out more about brake system service on this page, and then come to Triple J Motors Saipan.

Our Brake Services

Brake Inspection

Brake Inspection Icon

Regular brake inspections are a great way to get an idea of your brake system’s overall health. When you come to Triple J Motors Saipan for this service, our technicians will check the thickness of your vehicle’s brake pads and rotors; they will also check the brake fluid level, test the calipers, and inspect the brake lines.

Brake Fluid Exchange

Brake Fluid Exchange Icon

When you step on the brake pedal, it’s the hydraulic brake fluid that both transfers that force to the calipers and amplifies it. Over time, it will collect more moisture, causing it to be less effective. This is why you will need to have the brake fluid drained and replaced from time to time.

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Brake Pad Replacement

Brake Pad Replacement Icon

The brake pads are made of two main components: a metal backing and a softer lining. The lining is what presses against the rotors, and it is designed to wear down faster thanks to its softer, friction-resistant material. When the brake pad lining gets too thin, you will need to have it replaced. We will be glad to perform this service at Triple J Motors Saipan, where we use high-quality, long-lasting brake pads. We can provide a replacement for either the front or rear pads, or both.

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Rotor Resurfacing or Replacement

Rotor Resurfacing or Replacement Icon

Brake rotors will take longer to wear down than brake pads, but they will also become thin over time and need to be replaced. In addition, the intense forces of braking can cause them to become warped or glazed. If this happens, but the rotors still have sufficient thickness, we can often resurface them instead of replacing them entirely.

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Caliper Service

Caliper Service Icon

The brake calipers squeeze together to push the brake pads against the brake rotors, and they will regularly need to be cleaned, lubricated, and inspected to ensure that they are providing the necessary precision.

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Schedule Brake Service at Triple J Motors Saipan, Serving Garapan and Susupe in the Northern Mariana Islands

When you’re ready to bring your vehicle in for any brake-related service, we invite you to schedule an appointment at Triple J Motors Saipan. Give us a call or request an appointment online. We look forward to seeing you!

Triple J Motors Brake Services

Triple J Saipan 15.177801, 145.750967.