Triple J Saipan Service & Repair near Susupe

At Triple J Saipan near Susupe, we offer a complete range of auto services.

Certified Auto Services and Repair near Susupe

Certified Auto Services and Repair Near Susupe, Saipan

We invite you to get service or repair done at our state-of-the-art Triple J Motors Saipan facility. Drivers in Susupe, Garapan, Northern Mariana Islands, and Tinian trust us with their vehicles as our experienced technicians are factory-trained and certified. We also use high-quality tools and equipment at our facility and stock genuine OEM parts at our parts department.

Auto Services at Triple J Motors Saipan Near Susupe, Saipan

From routine maintenance to major repairs, we are the preferred auto service center for drivers in or near Susupe, Saipan. Here are some of our most popular auto services:

Auto Services at Triple J Motors Saipan

  • Oil Change Services: Keeping the engine running at its best requires regular oil change services. We offer oil changes using synthetic motor oil or conventional motor oil as required by the vehicle’s engine and driving conditions. If your vehicle has high mileage, we recommend using specially formulated high-mileage motor oil.
  • Brake Services: Services we offer at Triple J Motors Saipan include brake fluid exchange, brake inspection, brake rotor resurfacing, and brake pad replacement.
  • Tire Services: As the only part of your vehicle that goes into contact with the road, the tires are vital to your safety and the vehicle’s overall performance. We offer tire rotation, wheel alignment, new tire installation, and other types of tire services at Triple J Motors Saipan.
  • Battery Services: If your car is slow to turn over or the battery is not holding a charge, be sure to come to us for inspection and diagnosis. If required, we can install a new high-quality car battery that meets your vehicle’s specifications.
  • Transmission Services: The transmission system doesn’t get the attention it deserves from vehicle owners, but it plays a major role in the overall longevity of the vehicle. Allow our expert technicians to take care of transition inspection, repairs, rebuild service, replacement, and more at Triple J Motors Saipan.

Contact Us to Schedule Certified Service Near Susupe, Saipan

You don’t have to go too far to get certified service near Susupe, Saipan. To book a service appointment at Triple J Motors Saipan, simply call us or use the scheduling tool on our website. While your vehicle gets certified service, you can relax at our customer waiting lounge. We look forward to seeing you at our state-of-the-art facility at Triple J Motors Saipan.

Come To Triple J Motors Saipan For Your Next Maintenance or Repair

At Triple J Motors Saipan, we are committed to complete customer satisfaction. Choosing us for service means you receive the highest quality of vehicle care with certified service technicians and genuine OEM parts. Head over to our online scheduling page and make a service appointment for a time that suits your schedule.

  • Certified Technicians
  • Complimentary Beverage & Coffee Bar
  • State-of-the-Art Facility

Service Info

Phone Numbers:

Triple J Saipan is located at: Garapan • Saipan, 96950

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Triple J Saipan 15.177801, 145.750967.